
format: Hardcover

شركة موتيفيد للنشر

رؤيتي التحديات في سباق التميز | الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم

متوفر فالمتجر
التحقق من التوفّر في المتجر
Arabic Edition. This is a unique book in which His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, examines aspects of the UAE's unique development experience. This young country is making every effort to achieve excellence and upgrade its status from a regional economic centre into an international hub. It is striving to excel in services, tourism, the knowledge economy and creative human resources in order to reach its ambitious development goals. While addressing the people of Dubai and the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed's wider audience also includes the Arab world. Dubai's unique development experience sets a creative example for the Arab world to follow. The book, therefore, represents a message of optimism that if all the constituents of any given society agree to excel in all fields, different cultures and religions can coexist without the slightest problem. The proof he provides is Dubai itself.
عرض الوصف الكامل
شعار نقاط الولاء
اكسب 0 من نقاط الولاء التي تعادل EGP 0 عند تسجيل الدخول وتقديم الطلب
Arabic Edition. This is a unique book in which His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, examines aspects of the UAE's unique development experience. This young country is making every effort to achieve excellence and upgrade its status from a regional economic centre into an international hub. It is striving to excel in services, tourism, the knowledge economy and creative human resources in order to reach its ambitious development goals. While addressing the people of Dubai and the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed's wider audience also includes the Arab world. Dubai's unique development experience sets a creative example for the Arab world to follow. The book, therefore, represents a message of optimism that if all the constituents of any given society agree to excel in all fields, different cultures and religions can coexist without the slightest problem. The proof he provides is Dubai itself.
عرض الوصف الكامل
عرض وصف أقل


شركة موتيفيد للنشر



Number of Pages
عرض المزيد من المواصفات
عرض مواصفات أقل